Secrets to Burning More Fat

Did you know that when you are relaxed you actually burn more fat?  Say, whaaaat? Yep.  It's true. And also, when you are stressed, you accumulate more fat. So.  Let's work on this, shall we?

You know that bloated feeling? It might not be happening because of what you ate.  It could be digestive stress - meaning it is HOW you are eating. Are you working like a crazy person, running at warp speed, constantly eating on the go, multitasking during the meal, engaging in negative gossip? These are all ways in which we feed the stress response. And by now we know (or at least we should know if we've been paying attention) that our bodies cannot digest food when we are in the stress response.

Of course we know that eating under stress has been ingrained into our day to day. It is not only commonplace, it’s socially acceptable and often a prerequisite for managing life as we know it. Stress is the opposite of relaxation. When do we feel stress? Mostly...

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