I Fully Cheated This Week...

So, I have to admit, I cheated on my food prep this week. And you know what? It was kind of a game-changer for me.  Yes, I am still recovering from the holidays a bit.

I usually pride myself on making everything from scratch, from sauces to spice blends. But let's be real, sometimes life gets busy and I just don't take the time or energy to spend hours in the kitchen. Aaaand, that's where store-bought sauce hacks come in.

Let me tell you about a few of my favorites...

I discovered Omsom starters, which are these packs of starter sauces that make it super easy to create authentic Asian dishes at home. I was a little skeptical at first, but man, the results were impressive. I used the Korean Spicy Bulgogi starter to make a delicious and flavorful chicken bulgogi in just a few minutes. All I had to do was marinate the organic chicken thighs for at least 15 minutes in the sauce and sauté for about ten minutes. The end result was this spicy and savory bulgogi that tasted...

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