How to Tweak Your Free Recipe Pack to Suit Your Needs

By now you've hopefully received your 5 free recipe pack. (If you don't have it yet, click here!) And I truly hope you're enjoying your time in the kitchen!  Those recipes are some pretty serious "go-to" meals around here. But even though they work for our family just the way they are, I know everybody is different. So I'm here to help you make the changes you want to suit your needs!

Let's get started with the Apple Pie Oatmeal... I get it, there are a LOT of carbs in oatmeal.  I like to eat this for breakfast to level my blood sugar and then avoid carbohydrates as much as possible for the rest of the day.  That being said, here are some easy ways to make changes to the meal:

  • To make it vegan substitute Melt or Miyokos plant-based butter for the grass-fed. If you're just avoiding dairy, feel free to use grass-fed ghee.
  • Fresh ginger is great for the flavor and your metabolism but you can always omit if it's not your favorite spice or you don't...
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